Video Collection International Wikia

The VCI autumn family trailer from 1998 is a UK VHS trailer from VCI, Granada Video, Channel 4 Video and Thames Video on 14th December 1998.


Here is VCI's Autumn Collection range promo from 1998 with programmes including The Bear, Titch, Mr. Bean, Coronation Street, Reckless, Emmerdale, Brideshead Revisited, Men Behaving Badly, Father Ted, Rosemary Conley, Hey Mr Producer! - The Musical World Of Cameron Mackintosh and Jeremy Clarkson.


  • John Sachs


  1. The Bear
  2. Helpful Titch
  3. Merry Christmas Mr. Bean
  4. Women on Coronation Street
  5. Reckless - The Complete Series - Uncut
  6. Emmerdale - Revenge
  7. Brideshead Revisited - The Complete Series
  8. Men Behaving Badly - Jingle B***s!
  9. The Very Best of Father Ted
  10. The Best Rosemary Conley Workout in the World... Ever!
  11. The World's Greatest Concert of Musicals - Hey! Mr. Producer! The Musical World of Cameron MacKintosh
  12. The Most Outrageous Jeremy Clarkson Video in the World... EVER!

Taken from trailers on Videos[]

  1. Men Behaving Badly - Jingle B***s!

