Video Collection International Wikia

Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends - My Little MiniVid is a UK VHS release by VCI on 5th February 1996. It features four episodes of the "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" TV series featuring four Season 1 episodes.


Four whole Stories on a treat-size tape


  1. Thomas and Gordon - Thomas, the little blue engine, is cheeky to Gordon once too often. So the big blue engine decides to give Thomas a lesson he won't forget.
  2. Edward and Gordon - Gordon gets stuck up a hill and little Edward helps him out. Gordon rushes away but the Fat Controller is very pleased with Edward.
  3. The Sad Story of Henry - Henry is very proud of his shiny coat of paint but one day he discovers that pride comes before a fall!
  4. Edward, Gordon and Henry - Disaster strikes Gordon so Edward tries to help. In the end Henry comes to the rescue.


Opening (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]

  • Tracking control screen (1995-2005)
  • Warning screen (1995-2005)
  • VCI logo (1995-2005)
  • Britt Allcroft Presents logo
  • Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends: Season 1 intro (Cartoon Network Version)
  • Start of Thomas and Gordon (1984)

Closing (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]

  • End of Edward, Gordon and Henry (1984)Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends: Season 1 closing credits
  • Thomas (Saved from Scrap Version) (short version)
  • A Britt Allcroft Production logo 1984 (Long Version) (Cartoon Network Version) (silent)
  • VCI logo (1995-2005)

