Video Collection International Wikia

The Wind in the Willows - Spring Follies is a UK VHS release by Thames Video on 6th March 1995 and 6th January 1997. It features three Spring-themed episodes of the Wind In The Willows TV series that is made by Cosgrove Hall Productions Ltd and it is a re-released edition of the 1988 video release with the same name.


Enchanting tales from the children's classic.

Voices by:
Ian Carmichael
Michael Hordern
Richard Pearson
Peter Sallis
David Jason


  1. The Great Steamer - The creatures of the Riverbank are thrown into turmoil when a steamer comes roaring down the river. A fieldmouse falls into the water and only rat knows how to rescue him. But if he tries, his boat may be swept over the weir.
  2. The Lost River - The construction of the railway line diverts Ratty's beloved river and floods the fieldmice from their homes. Otter brings news that the havoc this causes is only temporary. Badger is concerned about the imminent arrival of the railway line.
  3. May Day - There is a May Day fair in the grounds of Toad hall, but everything is not as innocent as it seems.


Produced by Mark Hall and Brian Cosgrove
Directed by Chris Taylor and Jackie Cockle
© Cosgrove Hall Productions Ltd 1988

Release Dates[]

  • The Great Steamer (5th January 1984)
  • The Lost River (16th September 1987)
  • May Day (1st October 1985)

Opening (Original 1995 Release)[]

  1. The Video Collection Children's Promo From 1995 with clips of "Britt Allcroft's Magic Adventures of Mumfie", "Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends", "Tots TV", "Rosie & Jim", "Brum", "Sooty & Co." and "The Wind in the Willows". [announced by Sarah Greene]
  2. Thames Video Warning Screen (1991-1998) (Normal)
  3. Thames Video logo (1991-1998)
  4. Spring Follies Title Card
  5. The Wind in the Willows Opening Titles
  6. Start of The Great Steamer (1984)

Middle 1 (Original 1995 Release)[]

  1. End of The Great Steamer (1984)
  2. The Wind in the Willows Closing Credits
  3. Cosgrove Hall Productions logo (1976-1990)
  4. The Wind in the Willows Opening Titles
  5. Start of The Lost River (1987)

Middle 2 (Original 1995 Release)[]

  1. End of The Lost River (1987)
  2. The Wind in the Willows Closing Credits
  3. Cosgrove Hall Productions logo (1976-1990)
  4. The Wind in the Willows Opening Titles
  5. Start of May Day (1985)

Closing (Original 1995 Release)[]

  1. End of May Day (1985)
  2. The Wind in the Willows Closing Credits
  3. Cosgrove Hall Productions logo (1976-1990)
  4. Thames Video logo (Silent) (1991-1998)

Opening (1997 Re-release) (with no trailer)[]

  • Warning screen (1991-1998) (Normal)
  • Thames Video logo (1991-1998)
  • Spring Follies title card
  • The Wind in the Willows intro
  • Start of The Great Steamer (1984)

Closing (1997 Re-release) (with no trailer)[]

  • End of May Day (1985)
  • The Wind in the Willows closing credits
  • Cosgrove Hall Productions logo (1976-1990)
  • Thames Video logo (silent) (1991-1998)

Trailers and info[]

The Video Collection children's trailer from 1995 with clips from "Britt Allcroft's Magic Adventures of Mumfie", "Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends", "Tots TV", "Rosie & Jim", "Brum", "Sooty & Co." and "The Wind in the Willows".

Screencaps at Toys R Us[]


Video clips[]

Watch in Toys R Us[]
