Video Collection International Wikia

The Video Collection children's trailer from 1993 is a UK VHS trailer from Video Collection International, Thames Video and Central Video on 22nd November 1993.


Here is a Video Collection International children's trailer from 1993-94 featuring Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends, Rosie & Jim, Tots TV and The Wind in the Willows.


  • Sophie Aldred


Taken from[]


Sophie Aldred: Welcome to the world of children's videos. It's Video Collection's special favourites for our young audience, Beginning with the adventures of Thomas The Tank Engine and Friends.

Michael Angelis: Hurry up Thomas.

Sophie Aldred: Life on the Island of Sodor can be very busy, but the engines enjoy their work on the railway. Sometimes in the adventures Thomas has with his friends landed in trouble.

Michael Angelis: Boxes and bags burst everywhere.

Percy: Oh!

Michael Angelis: Groaned Percy.

Thomas' driver: Careful Thomas.

Michael Angelis: Called his driver, but it was too late.

Sophie Aldred: Thomas came off the rails and Percy sunk.

Percy: Ow!

Michael Angelis: Exclaimed Percy.

Sophie Aldred: So join Thomas, Percy, James, Toby, Gordon and The Fat Controller for lots of Thomas The Tank Engine adventures. From trains to canal boats. It's that troublesome twosome Rosie and Jim. Come aboard the ragdoll with John, Jim and of course Rosie as they cruise into all sort of tangles. Oh no what will John say? And they meet all sorts of creatures.

Jim: Excuse me, Are you a monster?

Sophie Aldred: Even John faces one or two problems, it's all great fun for Rosie and Jim.

Tilly: Une.

Tom: One.

Tilly: Deux.

Tom: Two.

Tilly: Trois.

Tiny: Three.

Sophie Aldred: Say Bonjour to...

Tilly, Tom and Tiny: Tots TV.

Tilly, Tom and Tiny singing Tots TV theme tune.

Tom: I didn't say down here.

Sophie Aldred: Tiny, Tilly and Tom liked to try fun new game and make fun new things. And sometimes the things they do don't go quite as planned. So join those three on Tots TV. And when it comes to mischief, There's only one place to be with Ratty Toad and Mole in the classic story of Wind in the Willows.

Mr. Toad: It's a like of trees on the open road.

Mole: Grandly where you please on the open road.

Sophie Aldred: But what happens when Toad goes to fast.

Miss Carrington Moss: Found guilty on the clearest evidence. Nineteen years.

Mr. Toad: Nineteen years?

Miss Carrington Moss: And another year for being green. Twenty years.

Sophie Aldred: And the weasels take over.

Mr. Toad: Ah! Missed it!

Sophie Aldred: Find out in the exciting adventures of The Wind in the Willows. Yes it certainly is a children's world with so many great video stories to choose from.


Video clip[]


VCI Trailer 1993 (VHS)
