The Plank and Rhubarb Rhubarb is a UK VHS release by Thames Video Collection on 13th July 1987, and then it got re-released by Thames Video on 5th August 1996.
Episode Info[]
Opening (Original 1987 release) (with no trailer)[]
- Warning screen (1986-1990)
- Thames Video Collection logo (1986-1990)
- Start of The Plank (1979)
Closing (Original 1987 release) (with no trailer)[]
- End of Rhubarb Rhubarb (1980)
- Closing Credits
- Thames Video Collection logo (silent) (1986-1990)
Opening (1996 Re-release)[]
- VCI "Something for Everyone" (A Video Makes a Perfect Gift) promo from 1996 [announced by Peter Hawkins]
- Warning screen (1991-1998) (Normal)
- Thames Video logo (1991-1998)
- Start of The Plank (1979)
Closing (1996 Re-release)[]
- End of Rhubarb Rhubarb (1980)
- Closing Credits
- Thames Video logo (1991-1998)
Trailers and info[]
1996 Re-release[]
The VCI Gift trailer - Something for Everyone from 1996 with clips from "Mr. Bean", "Riverdance", "Goodnight Sweetheart", "Drop the Dead Donkey", "Men Behaving Badly", "Les Miserables", "The Shawshank Redemption", and "Have I Got News for You".