Video Collection International Wikia

Nursery Play Rhymes - Hey Diddle Diddle and Other Favourites is a UK VHS release exclusively to WHSmith stores by The Video Collection on 4th September 1995.


Every child enjoys singing and playing along at Nursery School and in the playground with their favourite songs and rhymes. So why not entertain your children for many hours at home with this carefully chosen selection of activity songs and rhymes that they know and love.


  1. Humpty Dumpty
  2. Ladybird, Ladybird
  3. Tom Tom the Piper's Son
  4. Hey Diddle Diddle
  5. I Hear Thunder
  6. Frere Jacques
  7. Old MacDonald Had a Farm
  8. This Little Piggy
  9. Little Miss Muffet
  10. One Man Went To Mow
  11. Little Bo Peep
  12. Baa Baa Black Sheep
  13. Sing a Song of Sixpence
  14. Jack and Jill
  15. The Grand Old Duke of York
  16. Centipede Song
  17. London's Burning
  18. Oranges and Lemons
  19. Mulberry Bush


Opening (Original 1995 release) (with no trailer)[]

  • Tracking control screen (1994-1995) (Normal)
  • Warning screen (1986-1995)
  • The Video Collection logo (1986-1995)
  • Nursery Play Rhymes intro (Long Version)
  • Start of Nursery Play Rhymes (1991)

Closing (Original 1995 release) (with no trailer)[]

  • End of Nursery Play Rhymes (1991)
  • Closing Credits (Short Version)/A VCI Production logo (silent)
  • The Video Collection logo (1986-1995)

