Video Collection International Wikia

My Little Sesame Street - Big Bird's Favourite Party Games is a UK VHS release by VCI on 5th February 1996. It features one direct-to-video compilation episode from the My Sesame Street Home Video series in 1988.


Big Bird's having a party and you're all invited. He and his friends know lots of party games and everyone can play along. There's music and participation games and even a game of 'Oscar Says', led by Oscar the Grouch.
You can play Big Bird's party games at your next party or even when you're all by yourself. With Big Bird's favourite Party Games, it's always party time.


Opening (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]

  1. VCI Tracking Control Screen (1995-2005)
  2. VCI Warning Screen (1995-2005)
  3. VCI Ident (1995-2005)
  4. Random House Home Video Ident
  5. Children's Television Workshop Ident/My Sesame Street Home Video Opening Titles
  6. Big Bird's Favorite Party Games Title Card
  7. Start of Big Bird's Favorite Party Games (1988)

Closing (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]

  1. End of Big Bird's Favorite Party Games (1988)
  2. My Sesame Street Home Video Closing Credits (Long Version)
  3. "Sesame Street" and the "Sesame Street" sign are trademarks and service marks of the Children's Television Workshop (silent)
  4. VCI Ident (1995-2005)