My Little Molly's Gang is a UK VHS release by VCI on 19th August 1996.
Being leader of a gang can be hard work especially when you live on a planet where all there is to do is have Fun!
Episode Info[]
The planet Gallyfrip is losing its colour. The Gang speculate about the cause, but Miranda is convinced the problem lies with the Colour Stones, a collection of magical rocks that generate the planet's colour. The stones have flu and she has a plan to keep them warm with special knitted scarves. As the landscape around them fades to shades of grey, Miranda knits! Will Miranda and the Gang be in time to save the planet from certain monochrome?
One particularly windy day, Duster finds himself being literally blwn away. Even with the benefit of Coral's flair for inventions, the Gang's attempts to keep Duster grounded fail. He takes off and begins to orbit the planet. As the gales worsen, things don't look good for Duster, but then the Gang remember Homer!
While the rest of the Gang play Wobble-ball, Phobo and Duster go to visit Hubble. Dexter spills a whole bottle of 'fast grow' and the plants in Hubble's garden grow to huge sizes, trapping them inside. Molly tries to hack through the jungle without success but Coral decides that Hubble's old mowing machine has much greater possibilities.
Opening (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]
- Tracking control screen (1995-2005)
- Warning screen (1995-2005)
- VCI logo (1995-2005)
- Molly's Gang intro (long version)
- Start of Colour Stones (1994)
Closing (Original 1996 release) (with no trailer)[]
- End of Wobbly (1994)
- Molly's Gang closing credits (short version)
- Martin Gates logo (silent)
- VCI logo (1995-2005)