Video Collection International Wikia
Video Collection International Wikia

Hong Kong Phooey - Bumper Edition is a UK VHS release by First Independent on 14th October 1996 since the show has been on Cartoon Network since the 1990's.


Hong Kong Phooey, also known as the mild mannered janitor at the police station, fights crime in 15 adventures. It seems, however, that it is his faithful cat, Spot, that solves all the crime, leaving Phooey to blunder into everything with his eyes closed.


  1. The Gum Drop Kid
  2. TV or Not TV
  3. Stop Horsing Around
  4. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
  5. Great Movie Mystery
  6. The Claw
  7. Car Thieves
  8. Zoo Story
  9. Cotten Pickin’ Pocket Picker
  10. Ironhead the Robot
  11. Grandma Goody
  12. Candle Power
  13. The Penthouse Burglaries
  14. The Batty Bank Gang
  15. The Voltage Villain


Trailers and info[]

